
corn law 〔英史〕谷物法。

corn mill

The need to import grain to relieve the situation in ireland forced the government , which was dominated by landowners who backed the corn laws , to reverse its position 愛爾蘭需要進口糧食來緩解災情,這迫使由支持《谷物法》的土地擁有者所組成的政府不得不改弦易轍。

Ultimately it was not the eloquence of the arguments against the corn laws that led to their abolition ? and more ' s the pity 最終并不是口若懸河的辯論廢止了《谷物法》 ,更多的是同情。

The repeal of the corn laws by great britainin 1846 ended britain s long - standing policy protectionism 1846年英國廢除《谷物法》 ,結束了英國長期存在的貿易保護主義政策。

The corn laws restricted imports of grain into the united kingdom in order to protect domestic wheat producers 《谷物法》限制糧食進口到英國以保護國內的小麥生產商。

Harry has made out a strong case for the repeal of the corn laws 哈里提出強有力的理由,贊成廢除《玉米法案》 。